
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
E111 - Class and Punishment ft. WDTATW
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
We brought Adam and Huw back to talk about "neo-traditionalist" / hard schools where discipline, punishment, and being a little robot are the most appreciated qualities, and how that says a lot about society. Also your pension is getting into the casino, the bottom of the Med is littered with F35s, and the UK doesn't really need those medical labs, right?
Yes, one of the audio tracks is less than perfect. Do not trust technology; trust only your fists.
Coming up soon is our next two episode premium edition, so subscribe to our Patreon.
Follow us on Twitter @Praxiscast
Check out We Don't Talk About The Weather, a PiP Recommendation!
Pod Cast:
Very Special Guest Adam - @bmbergamot
Very Special Guest Huw - @struggleruffian
Rob - @CountRthe
Alasdair - @Ballistari
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @anxietycowboy

Friday Nov 26, 2021
E110 - Speeches For Leeches
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
As another domino in the energy racket falls (like we said it would) and risk is socialised as profit is privatised, we check out how our electoral betters prostrated themselves before the altar of business.
Featuring a diverse array of teetering suppliers:Energy Profiteer A David @SanitaryNaptimeEnergy Profiteer B James @anarchonburyEnergy Profiteer C (Defunct) Rob @CountRTheEnergy Profiteer D (In Special Administration) Alasdair @BallistariEnergy Profiteer E (Supplier of Last Resort) Jamie @AnxietyCowboy
Subscribe to our PatreonFollow us on Twitter @PraxisCastWatch us on Twitch

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
E109 - Modern Aggroculture feat. Dr Eleanor Janega
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Starting on good news happening elsewhere (it's not possible on Normal Island), we discuss some anti landlord actions occurring on the continent before delving into the already here and paradoxically expanding world of Flats for Ants, before getting onto the main topic: The future of British farming (it's bad, folks) with special guest, friend of the pod and the peasants alike, Dr. Eleanor Janega!
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Rob - @CountRthe
Alasdair - @Ballistari
Jamie - @anxietycowboy
Eleanor - @GoingMedieval
You can check out what Eleanor is up to (lots) on her twitter and at http://going-medieval.com
You can (and should) also check out what we have going on in our bonus episodes at http://patreon.com/praxiscast and also check out the Monday and Thursday evening twitch streams at http://twitch.tv/praxiscast

Friday Nov 12, 2021
E108 - Consulting Parliament
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
We bring our important life experience to Parliament, where apparently earning 82k + expenses isn't enough to prevent our elected officials to stuff their trousers with corporate 'consultancy' bucks. But first, all hail the metallurgy comrade, and a place where the most insufferable people can congregate to teach you Forbidden Knowledge.
Catch David and Rob talking about the insufferable Brewdog "punks" on Trashfuture Patreon
Listen to part 2 of Rob and Jamie talking about The Net (1995) on 10kposts Patreon
We also have a Patreon (lol how many support bucks do you have to listen to us?)
Follow us on Twitter @Praxiscast
Pod Cast:
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Rob - @CountRthe
Alasdair - @Ballistari
James - @anarchonbury

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
E107 - House this thing work?
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Join us as we look into the harrowing plight of the poor unfortunates cursed by a witch to be fabulously wealthy. You just can't get the staff these days, apparently.
Catch Rob & Jamie on 10k Posts: https://tenthousandposts.podbean.com/Hear David on Left/Over: https://anchor.fm/leftoverpodSubscribe to our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/praxiscast
Pod Crew:David - @SanitaryNaptimeRob - @CountRTheAlasdair - @BallistariJamie - @anxietycowboy

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
E106 - Eternal Digressions
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
In an incredibly ill advised idea for a cultural committee (thanks Jamie) we talk about tv and films with time loops for a little, then just lose any sort of cohesion and talk about any old shit we’ve seen that’s even tangentially related to the topic.
We’ll be back next week with an (ir)regularly scheduled news episode!
Follow us @Praxiscast
Subscribe to us for bonus content at http://patreon.com/praxiscast
CastDavid - @SanitaryNaptimeRob - @CountRtheJamie - @anxietycowboy

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
E105 *PREVIEW* - Nonce Eisley Cantina
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
This is only a bit of the wonders contained within this episode - for the full 90 minutes of British space glory, subscribe to our Patreon.
In this episode the UK is escaping earth to corrupt space with capitalism. In order to get there, we have a big catapult and a bunch of robots stacked on top of each other, but first we must do battle over fly fishing rights.
Follow us on Twitter @Praxiscast
Featuring a quartet of total space cadets:
Starfleet Captain David @SanitaryNaptime
Cylon Infiltrator Rob @CountRthe
Kessel Runner Jamie @anxietycowboy
Mars Rebel James @anarchonbury
(Alasdair @Ballistari was exiled to a comet for his crimes against space)

Saturday Oct 23, 2021
E104 - Papers Please ft. Sinan Kose
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Sorry for the late upload - we had to check this one over because we had to submit biometric data before being allowed to post it. Our good friend Sinan Kose is back to talk about more Brexit shortages, a very normal way to get kids to pay for school lunch, and the totally unhinged discourse following the death of MP David Amess.
The next bonus episode is on Global Britain's galactic ambitions IN SPACE! You don't wanna miss that so sign up to our Patreon - one extra episode a month, plus early access to episodes of Black Thoughts!
Follow us on Twitter @Praxiscast
Check out the Alternative Left Entertainment collective for more great content from Friends of the Pod!
Pod Cast:
Very Special Guest Sinan Kose - @TheSinanKose
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Rob - @CountRthe
Alasdair - @Ballistari
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @anxietycowboy

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
E103 - Energy Hell! Thanks Capitalism
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Stick on another jumper and huddle round the lightbulb as we take you on a cursed tour of the UK's domestic energy infrastructure, and enjoy James' reaction as their now bust energy supplier is even worse than they could have imagined.
We're part of Alternative Left Entertainment (ALE), a left wing media collective of other projects we reckon you'll enjoy! You should check us all out at http://alternativeleftentertainment.org
Want more content? Sign up to our Patreon for at least one bonus episode a month, plus early access to episodes of Black Thoughts!
Follow us on Twitter @Praxiscast
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Rob - @CountRthe
Alasdair - @Ballistari
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @anxietycowboy

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
E102 - The Billionaire World-Soul Rides Out
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Season 3 and we're back stonger than ever! Join us for some more nautical adventures aboard the climate-solving superyacht, a brief overview of the British Isles as its infrastructure and food supply chain crumble (it's good actually!), and then, on bended knee, wait for the billionaire protagonist of history to speak the Word so we can all be uplifted to techno-paradise. That's right, we read the New Statesman.
Get more PiP in your life:
Follow us on twitter @Praxiscast
Subscribe to us for bonus content at http://patreon.com/praxiscast
Enjoy our streams on Monday at 7:30 pm uk time at http://twitch.tv/praxiscast
Pod Cast:
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Rob - @CountRThe
Alasdair - @Ballistari
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @anxietycowboy

This isn't a threat but who knows what could happen if you don't listen