
Friday May 14, 2021
Episode 80 - Kieth’s Racecar Bed
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
We tried to do a final roundup of the post election situation for Labour, but true to form they didn’t allow this because they managed to extend the meltdown for a week, so this isn’t *fully* up to date any more but we tried. Thanks, Kieth. There’s also some non labour news items for those of you that like that too.
Support us on Patreon!
Follow us on Twitter!
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Rob - @CountRthe
Alasdair - @Ballistari
Jamie - @coprespecter420
(Jamie has a ko-fi too)

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Episode 79 - Podcasting Does Praxis?
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
What a weekend it has been. Join us as we review the immediate aftermath of the Labour trainwreck that was the local Council elections and the Hartlepoole by-election, and ask ourselves a simple question: how badly can one man under-deliver?
Speaking of which, James has been busy this election. We interview them on their work taking the Northern Independence Party from Twitter meme to serious political party.
Follow us @Praxiscast
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Jamie - @coprespecter420
Alasdair - @Ballistari
Rob - @CountRthe
James - @anarchonbury
Oh, and we have a patreon now! Come simp for us at https://www.patreon.com/praxiscast

Thursday May 06, 2021
Episode 78 - Trawling Through Misery ft. Dr Eleanor Janega
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
There is an election today (probably, depending on where you are and when you read this), and we will largely not be talking about it on this episode.
Instead, we're joined by the wonderful Dr. Eleanor Janega to NOT talk about Justified, but to talk about yet more Higher Education meddling by the tories to force you into STEM subjects, a death cult that enjoys chocolate, a cursed book which everyone except Rob hopes is never released, and the plight of communities around Britain's coasts which have been decimated by the destruction of the fishing industry.
Fittingly, we also wheel out AI Starmer, for a very frank conversation about his position.
Follow Eleanor on twitter @GoingMedieval
Follow us on twitter @Praxiscast
Subscribe to our shiny new patreon https://www.patreon.com/praxiscast
Buy our merch! http://teespring.com/stores/praxiscast
Alasdair - @Ballistari
David - @SanitaryNaptime
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @coprespecter420
Rob - @CountRThe

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Episode 77 - Orlando Doom
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
We explore the critical question facing treatboys everywhere; what if the corporate behemoth you've invested all your fantasies in suddenly turns woke and takes the racist toys away? Well, you put on a big strop in the papers and we (and you!) get to read all about it. Also we don't even mention wallpaper or John Lewis once, we've declared victory in Iraq, and speculate on who's next after Boris.
Support Unite in its campaign against fire and rehire: https://www.unitetheunion.org/campaigns/end-fire-and-rehire/
Buy Normal Island merch: http://teespring.com/stores/praxiscast
Subscribe to our YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRY7j0BUJyVdy_8haE9awzw
Rob @CountRthe
Jamie @coprespecter420
James @anarchonbury
Alasdair @Ballistari
David @SanitaryNaptime

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Episode 76 - London's Special Guy ft.WDTATW
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
We're joined by the London Metropolitan Elite, Adam and Huw from We Don't Talk About the Weather, to discuss all the fine candidates and ideas for the London mayoral race. Just how many cops could YOU fit inside an affordable home? Are you ready for a success win lifestyle? How do you feel about congestion charges? All that plus #Britcoin, lobster-filled tables in Oman, AND more fire-and-rehire garbage. Perfect to listen to while you ignore everyone else in the pub garden.
Follow us @praxiscast
Follow WDTAW @WDTATW_Podcast
Very Special Guest Huw @Tanasmashing
Very Special Guest Adam @BMBergamot
Rob @CountRthe
Jamie @coprespecter420
Alasdair @Ballistari
Buy Normal Island merch: http://teespring.com/stores/praxiscast
Subscribe your eyeballs to our YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRY7j0BUJyVdy_8haE9awzw

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Episode 75 - Landlord, Landduke, Landqueen ft. LEFT/OVER
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
We're here not to bury Philip, but to insinuate things about him because you cannot libel the dead. Aarjan and Nikita from LEFT/OVER join the pod to discuss the chill response to an old guy dying, the British Gas fire and rehire, and the latest not-at-all-fash hirings from the Home Office. Also we explore the Crown Estate, why you can't pick mussels in Scotland, and the monarchy teams up with DC Comics - it's property all the way down!
Follow us @praxiscast
Follow Aarjan and Nikita @leftoverpod
Very Special Guest Nikita @jeremywhorebyn
Very Special Guest Aarjan @aarjanistan
Rob @CountRthe
Jamie @coprespecter420
David @SanitaryNaptime
Buy Normal Island merch: http://teespring.com/stores/praxiscast

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Episode 74 - On Jacks Ryan
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
The Cultural Committee convenes again, finally getting round to an episode we've talked about for months but just never bothered to record!
Join us as we look at a genre of film - where we will not be talking about James Bond - and consider what makes a good secret agent film, what makes a bad one, and what they're really trying to say (it's usually "Imperialism is good actually")
Follow us @Praxiscast
David - @SanitaryNaptime
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @CopRespecter420

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Episode 73 - Mall The Rage
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
We watched some extremely cursed telly called Shoplifters: At War With the Law to discuss the fash-lite world of mall security guards and how it helps explain the small minded psychosis of Britain. Plus brand new oil wells, British Gas being pricks, and the latest Musk doings in lower orbit. Also, furtherer adventures in pronunciation.
Follow us @Praxiscast
Buy clothing to hide perfume under: https://teespring.com/stores/praxiscast
Sign the British Gas Petitions:
RAN report on fossil fuel financing:
David @SanitaryNaptime
Rob @CountRthe
Alasdair @SA_Ballistari
Jamie @coprespecter420
James @Anarchonbury

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Episode 72 - It's the Scotpol Episode
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
We finally did it. By popular - and thoroughly misinformed - demand, we recorded an episode all about Scottish Politics in the run up to the 2021 Holyrood elections, and on the day that the ice lolly wielding veteran of Holyrood, Alex Salmond, declared he was setting up a new party so that he can be terrible in a whole new way.
If you don't know your scotpol, do not fear, as we'll hold your hand through the tedious labyrinth of pointless parties, bizarre photo ops, and piles of dead ideology, all under the watchful gaze of The One Question.
Follow us @Praxiscast
Buy merch from us at http://teespring.com/stores/praxiscast
David - @SanitaryNaptime
Elijah - @KlezmerRouge
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @coprespecter420

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Episode 71 - Which Way, Western Ham? ft. Matt Zarb-Cousin
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
We're back and excited to be joined by Matt Zarb-Cousin as we take another look at the increasingly bizarre world of NFT "art", the astonishing failure of the Football Index (obviously not a Ponzi Scheme), and the good news that nukes are breeding again in the UK. But really, it's all about the one year anniversary of Kieth Labour - so how's that going?
Very Special Guest Matt Zarb-Cousin @mattzarb
Rob @CountRthe
Seb @PCsocialism
Jon @Tsietisin
Alasdair @SA_Ballistari
Follow us on twitter: @PraxisCast

This isn't a threat but who knows what could happen if you don't listen