
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Episode 48 - Hey Jackin' it on the holodeck
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
It's another cultural committee outing, with special guest Sinan Kose!
We left the topic of this episode in your hands dear listeners, and proving that democracy doesn't work once again, you selected Star Trek, wherein we debate over what kind of utopia the Federation is, because it's definitely not communist, dissect some of the extremely immediately post 9/11 content that is still very much pervasive in the series, and admit that we all know what the holodeck is really for.
Follow us @Praxiscast, and check Sinan's streams at twitch.tv/SKTheCrusader
David - @SanitaryNaptime
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @wizardcubes
Sinan - @TheSinanKose

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Episode 47 - Flat Cap on a Whip-It
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
It's a full tour of Britain (well, except Wales) as we open the door to ScotPol, discuss the delightful and varied (alleged) crimes of Tory MPs and Lords, report from the increasingly unhinged fronts of the terf wars, and end on a delightful note of Comment or Commentariat.
Also, the podcrew went and did a bunch of libel etc. during the recording so it took a bit to get this one out. See if you can spot where it occurred. @Praxiscast for all your daily podtweet needs
David (@SanitaryNaptime)
James (@Anarchonbury)
Rob (@CountRthe)
Jamie (@Wizardcubes)
Ben (@toadmeister :V)

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Episode 46 - Must Pod Faster
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
The Cultural Committee reconvenes to talk about the Jurassic Park/World series of films, the Internet Time Zone (RIP), and gets Mad About Magma.
Follow us @Praxiscast
David - @SanitaryNaptime
James - @anarchonbury
Jamie - @WizardCubes

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Episode 45 - Come Play, My Lord ft. Josh Sawyer
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
The PiP Cultural Committee is back in session to discuss vidja games, representations of colonialism and political conflict overall. We're very excited to be joined by Josh Sawyer, lead designer of such classics as Icewind Dale II, Fallout: New Vegas, and Pillars of Eternity. Most recently he was the narrative designer for Pillars of Eternity 2, set in a fantasy world where colonisation is part of the narrative. Who better to talk to as we discuss "why must there be politics in the shooty-shooty-stabby-stabby"?
Like the chat? Why not pick up Pillars of Eternity 2 and grapple with colonial representation yourself?
Pod Personnel: Jamie, Ben, James, Rob and Very Special Guest Josh Sawyer
Pod Link: Colonialism is fun? Civilisation and the Gamification of Imperialism

Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Episode 44 - Cancel the Pizza Party
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
You, the listener, are cancelled. You’re all cancelled. The Cultural Marxists are back after a brief technical failure to open your Epstein Brain, feel very bad for JK Rowling’s menshies, and take you to a small business tyrant for a 10-quid-off pizza dinner. It’s a cavalcade of positivity as we end with a heaping helping of Comment or Commentariat.
Pod participation trophies
Rob, @CountRthe
Jon, @Tsietisin
James, @Ferrosol1
Alasdair, @sa_ballistari
Pod links
Cancel culture, the letter
Graun Red Wall Safari

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Episode 43 - Socialists vs. Space Marines
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Both weebles and anglosphere political systems wobble, but they won’t fall down. In this episode, David, Jamie, James, and Seb talk about the police as space marines, and statues as the Inciting Incident. Then they speculate on the potential for uprisings in the US and the UK, and how far we’re into the cool zone. Also there’s space marines.
Black Lives Matter US bailout donations: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd
Pod cast:
David (@Sanitarynaptime)
Jamie (@Wizardcubes)
James (@Anarchonbury)
Seb (@PCSocialism)

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Episode 42 - Lizardpeople PsyOps ft. Hussein Kesvani
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
There’s way too much news and revolution going on at the moment, so we called in Hussein Kesvani (@Hkesvani) to help us out. Rowling’s TERF tirade, swimming statues, heroic traffic lights, and Very British Culture Wars. You want it, we got it! Also we discuss clipboards at sexparties, and finish with a delightful dessert of statue-only Comment or Comment or Commentariat.
Recorded before the Churchill piss protests.
Mermaids' open letter to JK Rowling: https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/news/dear-jk-rowling/
Very Special Guest Hussein Kesvani (@Hkesvani)
Natalie, wisely not on Twitter
Elijah (@KlezmerRouge)
Rob (CountRthe)

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Episode 41 - The Old World Is Dying
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
First thing to note is the time of recording on this episode was Wednesday 3rd June, so things have... escalated a little since then.
Rob, Natalie, Elijah and James (not that one, or that one, or even that one) talk about the US reactions to the murder by cop of George Floyd, why Britain isn't any more progressive in how it handles race, and why civil disobedience is a proven method of effectively forcing change.
Black Lives Matter - Links to places you can donate to aid the struggle:
Minnesota Freedom Fund
National Bail Fund Network
Reclaim the Block
Rolling Stone article on US hard-right evangelicals and the nutter theory of Corona: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-evangelicals-apocalypse-coronavirus-981995/
Follow us @Praxiscast
Elijah - @KlezmerRouge
James - @ferrosol1
Rob - @CountRthe

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Episode 40 - Martin Scorsese's Polar Express Cinematic Universe
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
We completely ruined the news episode we were trying to record simply by being ourselves. It was a shambles from start to finish and could not be saved on the editing table.
As reparation for that, here's the long awaited second part of our cultural series wherein we examine the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including how Tony Stark is a liberal hero and how the seeds of eco-fascist propaganda have been right there the whole time.
Follow us on twitter @Praxiscast
David - @SanitaryNaptime
James - @Anarchonbury
Jamie - @wizardcubes
Xander - @XJMaw

Tuesday May 19, 2020
Episode 39 - Electoralism
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
In our first fully unplanned episode, James posits the question of electoralism - a viable tool for the left? David, Jamie and Seb try to answer this but as always it descends into... anarchy?

This isn't a threat but who knows what could happen if you don't listen